
1 minute reading time (190 words)

CrowdStrike Falcon outage

There is an international IT outage that is currently evolving. There is VERY little hard information this but popular reporting indicates that it is apparently caused by a product called CrowdStrike Falcon.

None of digitalwelcomemat's customers use this product that I am aware of.

Some companies, that you possibly utilise as third party services may be down which may be affecting you. An example of this is Office 365/Microsoft 365 which apparently was down (although I had not reports or experience of this), but is apparently back up again now.

This link provides some good information:

Apparently, its reported, if you do have this issue this is the fix (image below) consider this AT YOUR OWN RISK having said that if your PC is down with a 'blue screen of death' (BSOD) it is a relativity easy fix. Assuming this is a valid fix.

Again based on current information digitalwelcomemat customers should NOT pre-emptively attempt this fix. You will know that you have the issues if you have the BSOD. If you don't have CrowdStrike Falcon installed you should not be directly affected.

Its 'patch Tuesday' time and Microsoft will be re-...


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